DS4608-HC - Specific reader for the health sector
At any time of the day, data acquisition plays a crucial role throughout the hospital. Neonatal intensive care nurses read the bracelet on the ankle of a newborn to verify its identity. Nurses read IV bag codes to record time and dosage. Pharmacists read the barcode of a medicine for a cross-check with the prescribed dosage, and lab technicians read the barcodes on the samples to trace them accurately. With the DS4600 series scanners for the healthcare industry, you will have a single solution for all these data acquisition needs - and more. Designed for use throughout the hospital, the DS4608-HC resists continuous disinfection at the point of care and is equipped with an LED pointer that can be safely used even in neonatal intensive care. This versatile scanner easily and accurately captures virtually all types of barcodes in a hospital, and features innovative features that further improve workflow efficiency and patient experience. The industry's most popular management tools and Zebra's exclusive DataCapture DNA suite make scanner integration, implementation and management as easy as possible. DS4600 series for the healthcare sector: the performance needed to improve the quality of care, the versatility needed to simplify the implementation of scanners throughout the hospital.
Easy to disinfect, with the strength needed for everyday use.
Studiato per l'impiego al punto di cura, il DS4608-HC è dotato di telaio a prova di disinfettante che resiste a disinfezioni periodiche con i prodotti più diffusi. I fori delle viti e le uscite dell'altoparlante sono coperte per ridurre il rischio di accumulo dei batteri. La protezione IP52 protegge dal contatto con i liquidi, mentre un sistema ottico brevettato con doppio isolamento ripara dalla polvere e dai liquidi i componenti ottici più importanti, assicurando un'acquisizione del codice a barre assolutamente nitida, per una decodifica sempre rapida e affidabile. La finestra di scansione incassata protegge l'“occhio” della serie DS9900 da macchie, sporco e graffi che possono comprometterne le prestazioni. Inoltre, lo scanner è progettato per resistere a cadute multiple da 1,8 m su cemento e a 2.000 impatti da rotolamento, come certificato dal nostro impegnativo “test da rotolamento”.
Scansione di qualsiasi tipo di dati – senza eccezioni
In hospitals you can't make mistakes: that's why the DS4608-HC is rich in features that ensure precise and instantaneous decoding every time the first attempt is made at practically any barcode present at the point of care, in the pharmacy and in the laboratory. An 800 MHz microprocessor, a high-resolution 1 megapixel sensor and Zebra's exclusive PRZM intelligent imaging technology ensure unparalleled bar code scanning performance in all conditions. High-density focus allows you to read curved and tiny barcodes on medicine bottles, on IV bags, syringes and the like. Furthermore, the white LED illumination facilitates the scanning of color barcodes on the test tube trays and on the biopsy boxes. This unparalleled performance makes scanning easy and allows staff to focus on the patient rather than the scanner.