Zebra DS2208 barcode scanner configuration guide: how to enable or disable the Hands-Free mode The Hands-free scanning mode is enabled by default on the device and allows to automatically acquire the barcodes that are in the scanning area of the device. To enable or disable the hands-free mode you have to: Download the reference guide at the following link Print page 66 of the pdf (5-16 of the guide) To enable the mode: scan the Enable Hands-Free Mode barcode To disable the mode: scan the Disable Hands-Free Mode barcode
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HOW TO reset and restore to factory settings the Datalogic Quickscan QBT2131 / QM2131 barcode scanner Download the product reference guide at the following link Print page 28 of the pdf file (18 on the guide) and scan the Restore EU Factory Configuration barcode and place the scaner in the cradle. Wait for confirmation beeps. ...
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← Print button To restore the factory configuration proceed as follows: With the printer turned off pull one or both of the printer latches forward and lift the printer lid Accendere la stampante. For an icon printer: when the bottom row of icons turns off, press and hold the print button, and release it when the icon icon begins flashing. ...
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Sometimes, due to environmental or application needs, it is necessary to configure the printing temperature and/or speed. For Zebra printers you can operate in two ways: If you use the Zebra Designer software you can click on the arrow next to the "Print" button and then on "Printer Settings . ...
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Reset and reconfigure Datalogic QuickScan QM2100, QM2130 devices Proceed by downloading the guide to the following link tp RESET the device to the Factory Default Settings Pringt page 18 of the manual Scan the barcode corresponding to RESTORE EU FACTORY CONFIGURATION (For the Cordless version): place the device in the cradle
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How to set PREFIX on Datalogic Magellan 1100i barcode scanners Download the manual at the following link Configuring prefixes: in case you need to put a character before the barcode read, the Datalogic Magellan 1100i device allows you to configure up to 20 ASCII characters Example: configuration of the character $ (dollar, corresponding to the ASCII code 24) as a prefix Print pages 61 and 178 of the aforementioned manual READ THE BAR CODES IN SEQUENCE: ENTER/EXIT PROGRAMMING MODE SET PREFIX Read the barcode corresponding to the number 2 (pag 178) Read the barcode corresponding to the number 4 (pag 178) ENTER/EXIT PROGRAMMING MODE to confirm the character ENTER/EXIT PROGRAMMING MODE to exit programming mode For different characters, refer to the ASCII table on page 199
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How to convert UPC to EAN on Datalogic Gryphon I GD41x0 / GM41x0 / BT4100 / L GD4300 This configuration is necessary when there is a need to prefix the digit 0 with the barcode read; Generally, this happens with UPC-A and UPC-E barcodes, the first digit (nationality code) is omitted because the encoding is generally used in the United States. Download the manual at the following LINK Print page 111 (113 of pdf) and read in sequence: Enter/exit Programming mode UPC-A to EAN13 = Expand Enter/exit Programming mode Print page 114 (116 of pdf) and read as before: Enter/exit Programming mode UPC-E to EAN13 = Expand Enter/exit Programming mode
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Device timeout configuration guide: The Datalogic Magellan 800i Scanner is factory configured to enter "sleep mode" after 5 minutes of inactivity To change this time or disable the suspend function, follow the istructions below. Download the manual at the following link Distable the stand-by Print page 11 and scan in sequence the following barcodes: - Enter/Exit Programming Mode - Disable Sleep Mode - Enter/Exit Programming Mode Change Standby time Print page 11 and scan in sequence the following barcodes: - Enter/Exit Programming Mode - read the barcode corresponding to the desired time - Enter/Exit Programming Mode
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