Reader prefix and suffix configuration DATALOGIC QUIKSCAN L family QD2300
Snap Hardware white page

The DATALOGIC QUIKSCAN L QD2300 can be configurated so that you can transfer a suffix, a prefix or both of them in addition to the readed barcode.

This option's configuration is immediate. You can refer to the attachments indicated below.

Do configure the type INVIO/RETURN/ENTER or TAB at the end of the reading.

Do print the document that you can download here. Do read the barcode "SCAN OPTIONS", so do confirm with the barcode "ENTER".

In this way the readers is ready to send a suffix after the barcode reading.

We configure the suffix by the reading the barcode "SET SUFFIX", so do complete by reading the barcode corresponding to the numbers (nember attachment)

6058 for ENTER

7009 for TAB

In case you wanted to cancel the configurations, do read the barcode "data format cancel" frome the "prefixsuffix" attachment.








Michele Buffolino

Michele Buffolino

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